You Don’t Need a Man

The True Power of Love: Unpacking Patriarchy, Attachment, and Self-Worth

July 06, 2024 Janeen Season 1 Episode 1

Is romantic love just a tool of the patriarchy? Join us as we unpack this provocative idea and explore how avoidant and anxious attachments shape our romantic relationships. We delve into the notion that true love transcends our own needs, aiming instead for the genuine happiness of the other person. We challenge the societal construct that romantic love should fulfill all our needs and instead embrace the revolutionary message that women are the fundamental source of love. Our discussion reveals how societal norms disconnect women from this innate power, pushing them toward dependency on external sources for validation and fulfillment.

This episode invites you to experience a profound shift in perspective, celebrating the realization that everything we need is already within us. We dismantle the illusion of dependence and highlight the journey toward recognizing your own intrinsic worth and completeness. By tuning into deep intuition and rejecting superficial realities, we uncover a state of ecstasy and liberation that has been within reach all along. It's an empowering conversation, urging you to sit in the truth of your own power and love. Join us for this enlightening discussion that will leave you feeling liberated and whole. let’s schedule a free 15 minute chat and revolutionize your life

Speaker 1:

Romantic relationships are a tool of the patriarchy. They're grounded in avoidant and anxious attachments. Love when we really love, we want what is best for the other, regardless of our own needs. Romantic love is founded on the idea that someone else will meet all of our needs. Women are love. Women are the source of love. We get disconnected from this truth in order to depend on others, when the most beautiful reality, the most beautiful intuition that sits within all of us is, are not in need. We have needs met from the very beginning. We do not need them to be created for us as an illusion to distract us from our work. What seems like reality? To see beyond, to see within, to see that in each other, To fine tune that, to celebrate it and dance in ecstasy that what we have needed has been inside of us all along? The trickery no longer works. It's all ours, it always has been, and you just get to sit in that.